Upslope/Rock Debris Catch System
Watch Video Specific aspects: Australia’s Largest Rockfall ATTENUATOR was designed and Built in a total of 10 days/5 rail shutdowns/2.5 years including set out and survey where Spec Geo completed the final design and layout for client. This ensured system would work as designed by manufacture.
Summary: A large loose section of natural sand stone escarpment presented trains with the risk of rocks hitting the train or network system.
Access to site: Extremely difficult access through narrow gates, steep hills whilst the entire region was under active rockfall conditions.
7 to 9m ground anchors supporting all components.
3m height per post/over 25m on average including mesh drape.
Pre cast footings designed and transported to site.
Custom made drill rigs and rigging gear to suit this contract strictly.
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Upslope Extreme Access Rock Bolting
Watch Video Specific Aspects: Large boulders were presenting climbers and walkers with a risk of detaching and falling into the public access route. Several 4mtr CT Rock bolts were drilled, placed and grouted to eradicate the rockfall risk.
Access to site: EXTREME-REMOTE
Helicopter lift all plant & materials.
1.5 hour climb in and out daily.
720metres above sea level with severe wind conditions.
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Upslope Rock Catch Fence & Down Slope Soil Nails/Shotcrete
Watch Video Specific Aspects: A large rock had come dislodged and made its way down the slope impacting a passing passenger vehicle narrowly missing the occupants.
Spec Geo was engaged to install Australia’s Largest Rock Catch System in very challenging conditions. Approximately half of the fence was in fairly easy access conditions with the upper fence proving to be extremely challenging within the rainforest canopy. SG had to engineer systems where minimal impact of the install could effect the precious natural habitat.
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