Upslope Extreme Access Rock Bolting
Watch Video Specific Aspects: Large boulders were presenting climbers and walkers with a risk of detaching and falling into the public access route. Several 4mtr CT Rock bolts were drilled, placed and grouted to eradicate the rockfall risk.
Access to site: EXTREME-REMOTE
Helicopter lift all plant & materials.
1.5 hour climb in and out daily.
720metres above sea level with severe wind conditions.
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Large Boulder Removal in Remote Location
Watch Video Specific Aspects: A large section of massive sandstone had become loose and fell over 100m below the walking track. However a further 100m3 of boulder remained hung up on or above the public walk way. Spec Geo was commissioned to implement a solution and follow through with the removal of remaining blocks by use of drilling and blasting. A final ripe access groom of face ensured that the area was free of rock fall risk.
Access to site: 20min climb in and out via rope access.
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